about me


“Creating is my passion. Photography, videography, design, performance…I love it all. It’s what fuels me.”

Who am I?

My name’s Rusty Rutherford. I’m a photographer, filmmaker and digital media artist…oh, and a stand up comedian. I was introduced to graphic design and Adobe Photoshop when I was in elementary school by my aunt Kay an uncle Bob. They didn’t have cable, and ate gross health food, but I loved going to their house because when I did I got to spend hours playing with Photoshop. In high school, I took my first graphic design class. I also started my own Public Access TV show called “Don’t Watch This.” The show consisted of me and my goofy friends making funny sketches and doing weird things in public like fishing in the fountain at the mall (and getting kicked out), asking shoppers to give me dance lessons at the grocery store (and getting kicked out), and taking dates to McDonald’s to wrestle inside the ball pit (and getting kicked out). I started the show to have fun and create something that hopefully my peers would find funny, but I also began getting a taste for film-making and editing. It lead me to the University of New Mexico, where I got a Bachelor of University Studies degree with a focus in Media Arts, Theater, Communication and Journalism, and Psychology. I went on to spread my love of the arts to youth throughout Albuquerque with various programs, including Youth Development, Inc’s Gang Intervention & Teatro Consejo (Theater of Counsel), Children’s Choice, and Bloomin’ Actors. I eventually started my own organization, Duke City Dream Lab.


My love for digital media and the arts has never faded, and due to the ever evolving nature of the field, I’m always striving to grow and learn new techniques. I recently completed CNM Ingenuity’s Deep Dive Digital Media Bootcamp. Through the program, I gained more knowledge in animation and motion graphics as well as video editing and web design.


I’m excited for the opportunity to meet new people and work with you to help accomplish your video, photo, and digital media needs.